Contact Us

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10 Erie Street
Montclair, NJ, 07042
United States

(973) 655-9819

Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) mission is to provide comprehensive, inclusive developmental training in dance and related theater arts for children, teens and adults.



Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) is fully committed to ensuring equal access for students, employees, and the public - as required by the federal government and the state of New Jersey. SMAPA has designated a staff member to facilitate compliance with these accessibility requirements in a timely and efficient manner (see “Questions?” below).

Upon request, SMAPA will make reasonable, necessary accommodations to support the participation of individuals with disabilities in the organization’s programs and activities. SMAPA has also established an “Access Without Limits” Committee - made up of educators, professionals with relevant expertise, and community members - to review and advise on accessibility policies and procedures and to make recommendations regarding any issues that may arise regarding ADA compliance or related access issues.

Universal accessibility is an ongoing priority, and SMAPA continues to learn from communication with individuals with disabilities who participate in classes at our Montclair facility, educators and students through our multi-county in-school/after-school dance residencies, and members of the community who have provided invaluable personal and professional input. We welcome your feedback as we continually refine our work to provide an inclusive, barrier-free experience at SMAPA.



SMAPA is accessible via buses 11, 29, or 34, and all buses have lifts or ramps. Visit NJ Transit’s website for more information:


SMAPA does have a dedicated parking lot.

Arriving at SMAPA

All SMAPA studios, restrooms, waiting rooms, and the performance venue for the annual concert are accessible to guests with mobility disabilities.

Print/Electronic Materials and Listening Assistance

Class schedules are available on SMAPA’s website, where you can enlarge the text. Large print class schedules and concert programs are available on-site by request. Please contact us if you need program materials or an employment application in an alternative format. The Maurice Levin Theater, SMAPA’s venue for the annual concert, offers a listening assistance system for the performance.

Service Animals

We are happy to welcome you and your registered service animal. Please contact us in advance so we can be prepared for your arrival.


If you have an access question about visiting SMAPA’s facility, participating in a class at SMAPA, attending the annual concert, or another topic, please contact the Director of Operations at, (973) 655-9819.

To request an accommodation, please reach out to us at least two weeks prior to your visit. We can’t wait to welcome you to SMAPA!