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10 Erie Street
Montclair, NJ, 07042
United States

(973) 655-9819

Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) mission is to provide comprehensive, inclusive developmental training in dance and related theater arts for children, teens and adults.


Sharron Miller's Academy for the Performing Arts thanks our community leaders, donors, and foundations for their generous support. We are grateful for all our supporters.

PATRONS ($1,001 - $10,000)
Bridgit Burton Brown on behalf of the Calvin N. Burton Sr. Legacy Fund Award
Rose Cali
Bonnie & Michael Carter
Kyle Copeland-Muse
Ann Cotter
Sam Ellis
Stephen Engelberg & Gabrielle Glaser
Daniel & Marjorie Fuchs
Gregg & Charmaine Gonsalves
Diane Greene
Samuel Huber
Leah & Joel Katz
Marty Krumholz
Sheldon M. Kugelmass
Kim Lemon
Victor Maisano
William & Helen Mazer Foundation
Sharron Miller
David Polinchock & Kristen Weaver
Carol A. Purcell
Jessica Stolzberg
Shari & Todd Stout
Alan Trembulak
Reggie Waldren
Claire A. Walls

FRIENDS ($501 - $1,000)
Natalie Johnson Alves
Chelsea Branch
Elena Dashiell
Twana Davisson
Paul Gruber
Darcy Lowe
Rolda Mitchell
Deirdre Narcisse
Lisa Silber

SUPPORTERS ($1 - $500)
Joanne Aidala
Leslie Allen
Ayanna Alleyne
Joelle Anderson
Conny Andres
Christian Barrera
Candice Besson
Carol Black-Lemon
Denise Bomberg
Andrea Wicks Bowles
Kyle Brown
Michele Bruenjes
Devin Bukowczyk
Pam Burke
Elsie Bussey
Carnegie Corporation
Angela M. Cali
Keith Champagne
Jessie Chanin
Pearl Chua-Eoan
Annie Costa
Julianne Costa
Murphy Cross
Debra Curtis
Samar Davoodi
Francoise Djerejian
Gregory Dube
Julie Earl
Arielle Eckstut
Regina Elberg
Monica Elmore
Davalois Fearon
Janet Fernandez
Ana Marie & Dall Forsythe
Patrick Garner
Deborah Garrison
Hannah Garner
Leandra Gerena
Wendy Gilbert-Simon
Bernice Grenert
Rebecca Gudzy
Edward Haas
Dawn Harmon
Regina Henry
Heidi M. Herbst
Lorraine Mulia
Michelle Mulia Howell
Cassandra Iton
Kayla Jackson
Kimberly Jenkins
Anthony Johnson
Elizabeth Kaplan
Alexa Kemeny
Anna Kondic
Wendy Liscow
Keri Logosso-Misurell
Laura Marchese
Rita McDermott
Keri McMahon
Joe Messina
Clara Mitchell
Cara Moroze
Jeffery C. Morse
Kathy Murray
Amy Myers
Nicole Peaks
Carolin Pierre
Susan Pope
Suzanne Portnoy
Joi Pridgen
Martha Raimon
Terrence & Jean Rose
Lauren & Charles Rosen
Molly Rosenak
Bob Russo
Linda Salamon
Maria DiDia Salmon
Alesscia Scott
Rachel Selmore
Michelle Stack
Sarah Sterling-Laldee
Sharon Stephens Sutton
Eileen Sweeny
Madeline Thigpen
Maria Versella
Shira Vickar-Fox
Deborah Villarreal
Melinda Vincent
Jeree Wade
Winnie White
David Witherspoon
Amy Wolosoff
Donald Zeif
Neil Ziesing

A special thanks to:
Paul D. Brown Videography

A BIG thank you to ALL our tireless volunteers who continue to support SMAPA's mission & the arts.

SMAPA is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.