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10 Erie Street
Montclair, NJ, 07042
United States

(973) 655-9819

Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) mission is to provide comprehensive, inclusive developmental training in dance and related theater arts for children, teens and adults.

Community Outreach

SMAPA provides arts outreach with dance classes at elementary schools in under-served communities.

SMAPA is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. If you are able, please consider donating to our general scholarship fund.

SMAPA provides dance residencies in underserved communities where arts education is limited, particularly dance. Our programs integrate STEM learning while focusing on dance as a performing art. We are currently providing residencies in multiple schools in Paterson and Newark.


The Performance Workshop Ensemble (PWE) is a fully funded program for the serious young dancer between the age of 12 and 18, where performance experience is the next vital step in their development. Not only do these students receive free tuition for all their training, but also have the opportunity to work with professional choreographers and teachers who help nurture and develop their skills.

The support for PWE comes directly from our donors and grantors who recognize the value in supporting these talented young people who, in many cases, are the future of Dance. PWE members offer arts in education performances in Montclair and neighboring communities.


Prime Time Summer Arts is a full-day summer program for children ages 6–14 with daily classes in art, music, dance, and drama. Each of the two 3-week sessions culminates in a fully staged, free public performance for family and friends.

Preschool Summer Arts is a half-day, weekly, theme-based program for children ages 3–5. Classes include dance, art, dramatic play, and music.


SMAPA provides a year-round dance fitness program specifically designed for senior citizens ages 65 and older. This program is partially funded by the Montclair Foundation and takes place in the SMAPA studios twice weekly at no cost.

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SMAPA offers free boys-only ballet classes every Saturday for boys ages 7 and up. This program is made possible in part by a grant from the Stone Foundation. No previous dance training is required.


The Joyce Copeland Scholarship is a full scholarship awarded to a deserving student between the ages of 10 and 12 who demonstrates a keen interest and ability in dance, yet financial support is essential. This award may be renewed annually.

Based on financial need, SMAPA provides tuition assistance for students who qualify as participants in the Free or Reduced Lunch Program OR New Jersey Families First Program which automatically qualifies families for tuition assistance. A qualified student pays only what they can afford.