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10 Erie Street
Montclair, NJ, 07042
United States

(973) 655-9819

Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) mission is to provide comprehensive, inclusive developmental training in dance and related theater arts for children, teens and adults.

News & Events

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Spring Cancellations & Makeup Schedule

K Williams

SMAPA will be closed Sunday, April 17 but open every other day in April. However, there will be a few class cancellations and teacher substitutions. Any classes NOT on this list will take place according to the regular schedule for those who are healthy. If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, please do not come to dance class!

Wednesday, April 13

  • Contemporary Modern Advanced: Adrienne Armstrong will sub.

Thursday, April 14

  • Modern Advanced Beginner: Sierra Sanders will sub.

Friday, April 15

  • Contemporary Choreography: Adrienne Armstrong will sub.

Saturday, April 16

  • Ballet, Stretch & Strengthen: Melissa Villacres will sub.

Sunday, April 17 CLOSED

  • All classes are canceled. Makeup class on June 19.

Monday, April 18

  • Vinyasa Yoga canceled.

Tuesday, April 19

  • All Jazz classes are canceled. Makeup class on June 14.

Wednesday, April 20

  • Modern Beginner and Contemporary Modern Beginner: Heather Robles will sub.

  • Contemporary Modern Advanced canceled. Makeup class on June 15.

Thursday, April 21

  • Modern Advanced Beginner: Sierra Sanders will sub.

Saturday, April 23

  • Ballet, Stretch & Strengthen: Melissa Villacres will sub.