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10 Erie Street
Montclair, NJ, 07042
United States

(973) 655-9819

Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) mission is to provide comprehensive, inclusive developmental training in dance and related theater arts for children, teens and adults.

News & Events

Check in often to see what's happening at SMAPA!


Winter Break & Moving Schedule

K Williams

December 23-January 5: SMAPA will be closed for Winter break. Happy Holidays!

January 6-12: Parent Observation Week at 14 South Park Street. Families are invited inside the dance studios to watch, and even sometimes participate in their child's dance class. Because we don't have recitals, this is a special class for us as it serves as the child's "performance" for their family. We hope you can attend and share in your child's pride and success.

January 19: last day of the Fall session at 14 South Park Street.

February 3: Spring session starts in our new location at 10 Erie Street Montclair! Registration is open now.